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Traffic Related

DUI, driving on a suspended or revoked license, street racing, aid and abetting a staged street race, are some of the most common traffic related misdemeanors. Our attorneys have handled hundreds of such matters successfully.

Hit and Run

Many of our clients are charged with a hit and run without realizing they’ve done anything wrong. It is important to know your rights in cases where you’ve been charged with such crimes.

Domestic Violence

Most first DV cases are charged as misdemeanors. In a family setting, a DV charge may automatically trigger many negative outcomes such as child services involvement, protective/restraining orders. Do not disregard a DV charge; it may carry negative consequences years down the line.


Assault, battery, battery on a police officer, destroying public property, impeding an investigation are some of the misdemeanors which can carry up to 12 months in county jail.

Drug Related

A drug related misdemeanor carries up to a year in county jail, along with a fine of up to $1,000. It is unlawful to possessa controlled substance. A controlled substances include cocaine, heroin, LSD, and prescription drugs such as hydrocodone/vicodin, oxycodone/oxycontin, codeine.

Our attorneys have handled numerous cases where we are successful in dismissing such case outright orentering the client into a drug diversion program, avoiding jail time altogether and keeping a clean record.

Our attorneys work closely with law enforcement and prosecutors from the outset of the case. Although the majority of cases never go to trial, we feel that a client is entitled to aggressive representation coupled with intelligent strategy on how to get what the client wants! 

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